A Breakthrough Methodology for Rapid Recovery from Pain, Injury & Surgery

At AG Physical Therapy, our team of specialists takes a systems-based approach to your care, addressing the key areas necessary for quick recovery. Pulling best practices from multiple disciplines, a personalized treatment plan that targets the root cause of your specific injury is created just for you.
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Our Team


We bring the highest level of care and professionalism to your unique condition.

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  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Knee Conditions
  • Back Conditions
  • Balance problems
  • Shoulder Conditions
  • Foot and Ankle Conditions
  • Ambulatory Dysfunctions


We don't just want you to feel better. We want you to heal better. And to get to that end, we start at the very beginning. We want to understand fully your limitations and your goals. (There's that obsession again). We then educate you in regards to your specific diagnosis and tissue pathology, establish a prognosis for healing and set expectations required to achieve optimal function.
  • Friendly stress-reduced environment where patients are treated by a licensed physical therapist each visit.
  • Thorough evaluation and treatment with emphasis on education on how to manage each patient's condition independently 
  • Frequency and duration of visits are based on each individual's unique situation.
  • We don't prescribe programs - we design solutions.

Our specialized equipment allows us to match your exercises with your capacity enabling you to perform pain free activity and thus speed your recovery. Our expertise in exercise prescription and advanced manual therapy techniques also aid in returning you to your specific work, sport, or leisure activities as quickly as possible. The following is a partial list of injuries and conditions that we treat: 

Did You Know Physical Therapy Could Help Provide Chronic Back Pain Relief?

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Do you periodically find yourself disabled by bouts of back pain? Whatever form it may take, chronic back pain can put all kinds of limits on your life — until you finally start taking the necessary steps to address it head-on.

But you don’t have to schedule major surgery or allow yourself to become addicted to prescription painkillers just to keep this lurking monster at bay.

Conservative strategies such as physical therapy and smart lifestyle practices can help you manage your chronic pain for life. Ask our physical therapist to evaluate your conditions and recommend specific treatments!